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  • Writer's picturePeter Oakman

Hiking into 2021

To understand what we’re trying to accomplish here, please refer back to this blog.

The kiddos and myself embarked on an elated hike to Santiago Oaks. It was a beautiful January blessing. We escaped our home and get some fresh air. It's winter in SoCal, which means it's 50 degrees. Stop getting mad at me, I would give anything for it to be 40 degree's year round-I love and miss the cold. Back to the annoying children, I mean blessings. The kiddos were in rare form today. They couldn't stop bouncing off the couches, spilling each drink, or stepping on the dogs tail. Remember, they're not this young forever-enjoy the moment. Time for Major "Dad" Payne to step in. You kiddos have some energy huh? Alright, let's see if you can keep up. Now put on your father's favorite t-shirt and let's go have some forced fun to Santiago Oaks!

The oldest, Madison had just finished her 45 minute online kindergarten class. The main lesson for the day was all about bears and how they hibernate. Hey! Can you guess what we looked for on the hike? Care to take a guess how much time we added on by checking each bear nest or bear cave? But Pete, Bears don't live in nest...yes I know that (Gump) but there weren't any caves so I had to be an adventure Dad...back off.

Point of interest, we've now switched up our music genre. Remember the rules, each person in the car gets a song. The kiddos have teamed up to annoy me by choosing the same songs over and over and over again.

Peter-Lean on Sheena; by the Bouncing Souls

Madison-Video Killed the Radio Star; by the Buggles

Julianne (she's 3)-Roll Out; by Ludacris (she just sings the chorus, (we must the majority of it)

Trader Joes Toasted Oatmeal Flakes's a game changer.

Still not sure why there is a bronze t-rex in this person's yard.

This was not staged.

Hope everyone is having a great 2021! Vaya Con Dios

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