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  • Writer's picturePeter Oakman

Movies that should be watched every Christmas

Welcome to Christmas season, the most wonderful time of the year. Most of us are enjoying cinnamon coffee, Hobby Lobby Christmas décor, and pretending its sweater weather (relax bro, its 85 degrees outside). My wife will be her usual November self and force our family to the beach this weekend. She will try her hardest to stop my obsession of Christmas and continue her love for summer just a little bit longer. It’s a healthy time in our marriage, I welcome and even look forward to this time of the year with her. The conversations are quite natural at this point...

Hey babe, what are you making for dinner?

-I don't know yet, but save the neck for me!

How many ice cream scoops do you want?

-(in front of actual guests) 2, nah make it 3, I'm not driving.

Nonetheless, I’d like to add a little joy to your Holiday season by offering you, my top 6 Christmas movies. If you find yourself in my situation (wife isn’t ready for Christmas), surprise her this weekend. Break out the beach chairs, make smores, and give her one final Saturday Summer night to enjoy.

6. Home Alone 2.

Home alone 2, vastly superior than its predecessor...

Home Alone 2 is every man and woman's dream of Christmas time. Walking the streets of New York City with snow, experiencing the beautiful tree, The Plaza, Central Park, and the ice skating rink (Duncans Toy Chest is made up-I already looked it up). The cast is amazing. I'll admit, bird lady is a little much and I wish they just would've have figured out a way to incorporate the salt man from the first one but I'll move on. Uncle Frank is funnier than he was in the first one. Tim Curry and Rob Schneider continually deliver numerous laughs and chuckles. Remember, when this came out, it was every kids dream to be Kevin McCallister "the father". and defeat The Wet/Sticky Bandits. Side note, be careful...if you try and watch Home Alone 1 and Home Alone 2 back to back you will burn yourself out.

5. Christmas Story

We love the lines, we all know the lines, and we all say the lines "'ll shoot your eye out" but let's go deeper. My favorite scene in this movie is as follows. Ralphie is sitting in school dreaming of saving the classroom with his Red Rider BB gun as the bandits run away in fear. What 9-year-old didn't have those thoughts growing up? A handful of people may not know, but Ralphie went on to be one of the elves in the movie Elf. That alone right there is worth its weight in gold. Shoutout TBS for keeping it on 24 hours straight on Christmas Day. Also, there are great memorabilia and trinkets you can buy from this movie. Anytime you pull out that leg lamp you're bound to get smiles and laughs no matter how many times people have seen the trinkets.

4. Elf

You can't have Christmas without Elf. Elf is the wife's favorite Christmas movie, so in order to keep her engaged I throw this in pretty early to get her spirits up. There are too many hilarious scenes to quote so you can choose your own and laugh about it. This is a perfect Christmas party movie with friends. You can come and go as you please and will not be disappointed. I'm most looking forward to watching this with my children and seeing the jokes they don't laugh at now compared to when they're young adults. 6-in ribbons curls honey, 6 inchues

3. It’s a Wonderful Life

I had never seen this movie until 2019. I was on a trip to Seattle and at one point a flight attendant sat over my shoulder watching bits of this masterpiece. Our main character, George Bailey, teaches you, you don't have to shoot for the stars in life, everything you wish and desire is right in front of you. What matters most in life are the friendships we make out of the kindness of our hearts, especially when you don't see the fruits of your labor. On command, the final scene will have me cutting onions for 15 solid minutes.

2. Christmas Vacation

Most people have this at the top of their list, It's amazing and it makes you gasp for air from laughter each time you watch it. The more and more I watch it, the more I find myself turning into cousin Eddie. That's not funny. This something I'm not proud of and think I should evaluate my lifestyle choices. Back to the movie. Admit it, you want a large family Christmas, you want the most lights, the greatest tree, and unforgettable Christmas morning. Clark Griswold taught me so much about Christmas, When I was younger, I watched this movie for the laughs and jokes. It is hilarious, but after working at a full time job and being married, I truly discovered Clark's life...hey my boss is kind of like Mr. Shirley, my goodness he's not going down, he's going to make this the best Christmas ever! I take it back maybe I'm more like Clark Griswold than I think...

1. Muppet Christmas Carol

My family has always been a Muppet family. No we weren't weird, just semi weird. Anytime the Muppets released anything new, our family flocked to the theaters like weird people (okay we were weird). These obsessions may have scared off future girlfriends and would be friends but whatever, it was their loss. Muppet Christmas Carol cast the great Michael Caine and is the best adaptation of the classic story. This movie also holds sentimental value. My father took me to this when I was 10 years

old. I wish I could say I was enjoying the special time, however I thought I was a cool kid and all I kept thinking about was; I hope I don't see my friends going to see the Mighty Ducks without their parents while I'm hanging with my dad. Come to think of it, 1992 was an incredible year for 10 year old's. Aladdin, Home Alone 2 (see above) and Beethoven. If I could go back in time to 92 I would drive to that movie theater in Virginia and headbutt my younger self. As I look back as a parent, I'm ever so thankful my father took the time to take me to this movie. There is a reason our family saves this movie last.

Feliz Navidad!

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